Over the past two years, we have been seeing some really innovative and high Tech PCB layouts. One case in general, was a Board Design that incorporated multiple ventilation tunnels within the layer structure of a Board on Board application. What is Board on board? The application was to mount 4 pieces of laminate together, with ventilation tunnels, over the top of a Double sided Board without air leakage between the layers. Our biggest obstacle was to figure out how not to fill the vent tunnels with pre-preg during the lamination process. After reviewing this Design, our staff came up with a process to laminate the two Boards together with a few uncommon processes. Below you can view a cross section of the ventilation Tunnel through the layer structure, as well as the Board on Board view.
Vent Tunnel Cross Section:
Board on Board Bond:
If you like more information on this technology, Please contact us at PNC INC.
You may also call us at 973-284-1600 and ask for Calvin Switzer, Q. A. Manager, PNC INC.