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Printed Circuit Board

Printed Circuit Board Surface Finishes and Their Effects on Solderability and Reliability

When designing a printed circuit board, selecting the right PCB surface finish is essential to ensure the reliable soldering of components. Different types of PCB surface finishes have different effects on solderability and reliability. The PCB designer and manufacturer should understand the different finishes available and how to use them to maximize the performance of the PCB. We will discuss here the different types of PCB surface finishes available, their effects on solderability and reliability, and tips for selecting the best finish for your project.

Choosing the best surface finish for your application requires careful consideration of several factors. By understanding the properties and benefits of different surface finishes and how they align with your specific needs, you can make a good decision.

The Different Types of PCB Surface Finishes

There are several types of surface finishes to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and benefits.

  1. HASL (Hot Air Solder Leveling): This is one of the oldest and most commonly used surface finishes. It involves applying a layer of molten solder to the surface of the PCB and then flattening it using a hot air leveling process. HASL provides a durable and cost-effective surface finish, but it may not be suitable for fine-pitch components. It has some disadvantages such as the formation of solder balls and their thickness, which can cause issues with fine-pitch components.
  2. ENIG (Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold): ENIG is a popular surface finish for high-density PCBs with fine-pitch components. It involves depositing a thin layer of nickel on the surface of the PCB, followed by a layer of gold. ENIG offers excellent corrosion resistance and solderability, but it is more expensive than other surface finishes.
  1. OSP (Organic Solderability Preservatives): OSP is a thin organic coating applied to the surface of the PCB to protect it from oxidation and other environmental factors. OSP is a cost-effective option in this case, but it may not be as durable as other surface finishes.
  2. Immersion Tin: This surface finish involves depositing a thin layer of tin onto the surface of the PCB. Immersion tin offers good solderability and can be an affordable option for certain applications. However, it may not be suitable for PCBs with high-temperature requirements.
  3. Immersion Silver: This surface finish involves depositing a thin layer of silver onto the surface of the PCB. Immersion silver offers excellent solderability and is a popular option for high-speed PCB designs. However, it can be more expensive than other surface finishes and may not be as durable in harsh environments.

Each type of PCB surface finish has its unique advantages and disadvantages. When selecting a surface finish for your PCB design, consider factors such as the type of PCB components, the operating environment, and the cost.

The Effect of Surface Finish on Solderability

The surface finish of a PCB can have a significant impact on the solderability of the components and the overall reliability of the board. In this section, we will take a closer look at how different surface finishes can affect the solderability of PCBs.

First, you must understand that the surface finish of a PCB refers to the thin layer of material that is applied to the copper pads on the board’s surface. This layer is essential because it protects the copper from oxidation, corrosion, and other forms of damage.

You would see that HASL leaves behind a thick layer of solder on the surface, which can be difficult for small components to bond with and can also lead to uneven solder joints. Moreover, the excess solder can also create short circuits and reduce the board’s overall reliability.

In contrast, the electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) surface finish has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to provide excellent solderability and reliability. ENIG provides a flat surface for components to bond with. The gold layer is also non-corrosive and has a high resistance to wear and tear.

On the other hand, immersion silver offers good solderability and a relatively low cost compared to ENIG. However, silver is more prone to tarnishing and can cause problems with the board’s reliability over time.

The Effect of Surface Finish on Reliability

The choice of surface finish can significantly impact the longevity and overall performance of the PCB. The surface finish of a PC Board can affect its ability to resist corrosion. Certain surface finishes, such as gold or silver, provide excellent corrosion resistance, ensuring that the PCB remains protected even in harsh environments. On the other hand, some finishes like HASL are prone to corrosion, which can lead to the failure of the circuit board.

The surface finish can impact the electrical performance of the PCB. Some surface finishes have low electrical resistance, which can help to minim ize signal loss. Conversely, finishes that have higher electrical resistance can lead to signal distortion and reduced performance. So, you should consider the electrical requirements of your PCB when selecting a surface finish.

The surface finish can also impact the mechanical durability of the PCB. Certain finishes, such as immersion gold, provide a thin and uniform layer that is less likely to crack or peel during thermal cycling. Other finishes, like OSP, are more susceptible to wear and tear, which can lead to damage to the circuit board.

Overall, the choice of surface finish for your PCB can have a significant impact on its reliability and performance. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each type of finish, you can choose the right finish for your specific application and maximize the longevity and reliability of your circuit board.

How to Choose the Best Surface Finish for Your Application

Now that we have covered the different types of surface finishes and their properties, it’s time to discuss how to choose the best surface finish for your specific PCB application. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Environment: The first thing to consider is the environment in which the PCB will be operating. If it has to work in a harsh or high-temperature environment, you may want to choose a surface finish that is more durable and resistant to corrosion, such as ENIG or OSP.
  2. 2. Cost: Different surface finishes have different costs, so you need to consider your budget in this case. HASL is the most affordable option, while gold finishes tend to be more expensive.
  3. Solderability: As discussed earlier, you should consider the solderability of the surface finish. Some finishes, such as OSP, require a longer preheat time, while others may require the use of special solder pastes or fluxes. Make sure the surface finish you choose is compatible with your soldering process.
  4. Compatibility with other materials: If you have to assemble the PCB with other components or materials, make sure that the surface finish is compatible with them. For example, some finishes may react negatively with certain solders or coatings.
  5. Electrical properties: Finally, you need to consider the electrical properties of the surface finish. Some finishes, such as gold or silver, offer better conductivity, while others may cause increased resistance.

Ultimately, the choice of surface finish will depend on your specific requirements. If you are unsure which finish is best for your project, you can consult with a professional PCB manufacturer who can guide you through his expert advice.


What are Common PCB Surface Finishes?

Some popular surface finishes of printed circuit boards include HSL (Hot Air Solder Leveling), OSP (Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold), ENIG (Organic Solderability Preservatives), immersion silver, and immersion tin.

What Is The Benefit Of HASL?

HASL is one of the most popular surface finishes due to its versatility. HASL provides good solderability and is suitable for most applications.

What Is The Benefit Of Using ENIG For PCB?

ENIG is corrosion-resistant and provides a flat surface that is perfect for fine-pitch components.

What Is The Benefit Of Using Immersion Silver For PCB?

Immersion silver offers excellent conductivity and is ideal for RF applications.

Which PCB Surface Finish Is Cost-Effective?

HASL is the most affordable surface finish for printed circuit boards.

Final Thoughts

When designing a printed circuit board, one of the most important factors to consider is the selection of the right surface finish. This is because different surface finishes can significantly affect the solderability and reliability of the finished PCB.

Choosing the right surface finish for your PCB can have a significant impact on its solderability and function.  Some finishes, like ENIG, provide excellent solderability and are preferred for applications that require a high degree of reliability. Other finishes, like OSP, can be more difficult to solder and may require extra steps to ensure proper adhesion.

While there are several options available, ENIG has become a popular choice due to its excellent performance and long-term durability. Ultimately, it’s essential to consider your application’s specific requirements and choose a surface finish that meets those needs.

Would like to know more about the PCB surface finishes or pcb assembly? Write us at sales@pnconline.com

The Necessity and Benefits of ECAD-MCAD Collaboration for PCB Design

When it comes to creating high-quality printed circuit boards, ECAD and MCAD collaboration is essential. PCB designers use ECAD or electronic computer-aided design for the circuit design. Whereas MCAD or mechanical computer-aided design is used for the mechanical design. By combining these two disciplines, PCB design can ensure that their products meet both the electrical and mechanical requirements of the application.

Designers should also conduct thermal and structural analyses to evaluate temperature and stress levels that might affect the performance of the Printed Circuit Board. This information helps designers to determine the optimal placement and routing of the components. It also accounts for any potential constraints caused by physical environmental conditions.

What is ECAD (Electronic Computer-Aided Design)

ECAD stands for Electronic Computer-Aided Design, and it refers to the use of computer software to create electronic designs. You can use ECAD to design components such as integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, and semiconductor devices. With ECAD, engineers can model their circuit designs digitally before they move onto the physical prototyping stage.

ECAD also helps in the automation of various design processes, such as simulations, signal analysis, and device layout. Ultimately, ECAD tools help engineers optimize the design of their circuits to achieve higher performance, faster development cycles, and cost savings.

However, ECAD alone does not provide a complete design solution for PCBs; mechanical elements must be there for the board to function correctly and meet its intended purpose. That’s where MCAD comes in.

What Are The Benefits Of ECAD-MCAD Collaboration? 

ECAD-MCAD collaboration is necessary for successful design. The combination of both software help to improve product development, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Using the collaboration between ECAD and MCAD to create a comprehensive product design helps to ensure that the finished product will meet all requirements, both mechanical and electrical.

The combination of ECAD and MCAD also helps to minimize development time. By understanding both the electronic and mechanical aspects of the design, engineers can make decisions about components and designs without spending time on redesigns. Moreover, it can help reduce costs by eliminating the need to produce multiple prototypes or use more expensive materials.

Moreover, ECAD-MCAD collaboration can also be beneficial when creating drawings for a PC Board layout. The 3D model created by MCAD provides a better understanding of the overall PCB design and allows engineers to optimize their layouts more effectively. This ensures that the finished product meets all requirements and reduces the development time.

How Does ECAD-MCAD Collaboration Improve Design?

One of the primary benefits of ECAD-MCAD collaboration is that it allows designers to quickly check for any potential interferences between components that could cause problems in the final product. This makes the design process much more efficient since you can detect the problems before they become costly issues down the line.

ECAD-MCAD collaboration also allows designers to accurately predict the performance of the PCB by simulating its behavior in a virtual environment. By running simulations, designers can determine how their design will react to different environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and electrical noise. This helps to ensure that the design will function properly in its intended application.

In addition to providing performance insights, such collaboration can also improve the manufacturability of printed circuit boards. By incorporating mechanical parts into the design, designers can ensure that all components fit together correctly, reducing the need for manual adjustments during production. This not only saves time and money, but it also helps to ensure a higher quality end product.

Such collaboration is essential for producing successful PCB designs. By combining the two design processes, manufacturers can easily create efficient and effective products with minimal risk of failure. With the help of simulation and analysis tools, designers can also accurately predict the performance and manufacturability of their PCBs before committing to full production.

Thermal and Structural CAD-CAE Integration

By combining the ECAD and MCAD, engineers can gain an understanding of how electrical components interact with the physical environment. This is easy to accomplish through CAD-CAE integration, where complex system simulations and analysis are possible by using both ECAD and MCAD data. You can conduct thermal and structural analysis to evaluate temperature and stress levels that might affect the performance of the PCB. This information helps designers to determine the optimal placement and routing of the components. It also helps to explain any potential constraints caused by physical and environmental conditions.

Overall, the ECAD-MCAD collaboration offers improved accuracy, reliability, and efficiency when it comes to designing a PCB. By combining the capabilities of both ECAD and MCAD systems, engineers can create sophisticated designs that will meet both the mechanical and electrical requirements of their applications. Through CAD-CAE integration, designers can also perform tests on the PCB to evaluate its performance in the actual environment. Ultimately, ECAD-MCAD collaboration is essential for successful PCB design.

Collaboration between Altium Designer and Solidworks

If you are looking for an easier and more efficient way to design PCBs, consider combining Altium Designer and SolidWorks. These two powerful tools can help streamline your design process, helping you to create intricate PCBs with greater speed and accuracy. We will discuss how to effectively use Altium Designer and SolidWorks together to optimize your PCB design process.

The Benefits of Using Altium Designer with Solidworks

Using Altium Designer and SolidWorks in tandem can help streamline the PCB design process. Altium Designer is an industry-leading PCB design platform, offers a range of powerful features for the design, simulation, and output of schematic drawings, layouts, and more. SolidWorks is a powerful 3D CAD modeling program that provides tools for creating realistic 3D models of your boards.

By using Altium Designer and SolidWorks together, designers can reduce time spent on the manual entry of data, ensure a greater level of accuracy throughout the design process, and maximize design efficiency. With Altium Designer, you can easily create schematics and layouts based on existing 3D models created in SolidWorks. The software also allows designers to add components directly to the board layout, making it easier to quickly build out complex boards.

Altium Designer also offers advanced simulation capabilities, allowing you to simulate your boards in both static and dynamic scenarios. This makes it easier to troubleshoot potential problems before committing to the physical design. Additionally, the software provides a comprehensive set of tools for generating manufacturing files from the design, making it easy to bring the board into production.

Overall, by combining Altium Designer with SolidWorks, designers can benefit from a faster, more accurate design process with fewer opportunities for errors. This streamlined process can save time and resources during the design process, helping companies get their products to market faster.

How To Set Up The Collaboration Between The Two Software Programs

Setting up a collaboration between Altium Designer and SolidWorks is easy, and it can provide significant benefits to your design process. You should have both programs installed on your computer. Then follow the below steps which will help you set up the collaboration between Altium Designer and SolidWorks:

  • Launch both programs and open the documents that you want to collaborate on.
  • In SolidWorks, go to Tools > Add-Ins > Altium Designer Interface.
  • Click “Connect” to begin the connection process.
  • Select which components of the SolidWorks document you want to export to Altium Designer.
  • In Altium Designer, go to File > Import > 3D Models from SolidWorks.
  • Select the model that you want to import and click “Open”.
  • The model will be imported into Altium Designer and you can begin designing your PCB layout with the imported model.

Using these steps, you can easily set up a collaboration between Altium Designer and SolidWorks, allowing you to streamline your design process and take advantage of the features offered by both programs.

So, such collaboration offers numerous benefits to PCB designers. It helps to create comprehensive product designs that are functional and aesthetically pleasing, while also reducing development time and cost. By utilizing the collaboration between ECAD and MCAD, designers can create better PCB layouts that meet all requirements and optimize the product design process.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to designing printed circuit boards, the collaboration between electrical computer-aided design (ECAD) and mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) is essential for success. By integrating ECAD and MCAD, engineers can ensure the PCB design is accurate, efficient, and cost-effective.

ECAD provides the electronic schematic diagrams and component placements, while MCAD takes care of the mechanical parts of the design, such as housing dimensions and materials. By combining these two disciplines, the designer can create a complete product that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Through CAD-CAE integration, designers can also perform tests on the printed circuit board to evaluate its performance in the actual environment. Ultimately, ECAD-MCAD collaboration is essential for successful PCB design.

Would like to know more about the ECAD and MCAD or Circuit board fabrication? Email us at sales@pnconline.com

printed circuit board

Differences Between IC and a PC Board

Before discussing the IC, you must know what PCB is. The PC Board or PCB has electronic components to help a device function. All digital and electronic devices have PCBs, like consumer products, smartphones, computers, laptops, tabs, etc. The purpose of the PCB is to eliminate assembly issues and have less wiring, enhancing automation and production.
The PCB has different types in terms of the number of layers. Like, it is either a single layer, double layer, four or six layers, or a multilayer circuit board. Now, we will discuss the difference between PCB and integrated circuits.

What Is IC Or Integrated Circuit Board?

The integration of chips makes an integrated circuit, like chips used in a CPU and motherboard are ICs or integrated circuits. Initially, IC was called an integrated block. You will see the IC soldered on a printed circuit board. In other words, a printed circuit board carries the integrated circuit.
The purpose of the integrated circuit or IC is to integrate an ordinary circuit into a chip. So, if the IC gets damaged, the chip won’t work. But, if the PCB gets damaged, you can replace the components.

Printed Circuit Board and Its Components

PCB has different types, however, today’s circuit board has specific components, such as:
Layout and Circuit: PCB circuit is a tool for conducting between different components. A copper surface becomes the base and power layer. Besides, it involves routing through drawing.
Dielectric Layer In The Board: it is also known as the substrate that contains insulation that lies between the layers and a circuit.
Through-Hole Via: vias are made for conducting and a through-hole via helps multiple layers conduct. The plug-in of a device is a large through-hole. There is also a non-through-hole that helps in surface mounting and fixes screws while PCB assembly.
Solder Mask: The copper surface is not always tinned. Epoxy resin is used to print the non-tinned area to separate the tinned copper to prevent a short circuit. Solder mask has different colors, including black, green, red blue, etc.
Silkscreen or Marking: Silkscreen is used to make legends or mark names and locations of different components. It helps maintain a PCB after assembly.
Finishing: the copper surface has to be tinned or it would get oxidized. The surface finish involves different processes, such as ENIG, HASL, immersion tin or silver, and OSP. You can use any method according to your needs as each finishing method has some pros and cons.

Features of Advanced PCB

High-Density PCB’s
PCB is becoming advanced due to new technology. You will see the HDI circuit boards in all small gadgets. Both installation and ICs are also improving with time.
More reliable
Now, PCB is more reliable than before because we have better testing tools. Moreover, its manufacturing and the end product are of high quality.
Up To Parameters
Each PCB material has certain mechanical, electrical, physical, and chemical properties. You will get a high-performing PCB if its design is according to the standards and design parameters.
Better PCB Production
PCB production has also increased with time due to better tools, design software, and advanced technology. Various standards ensure a high-quality device, such as automation, standardization, management, etc. You will see better equipment to test your PCB to have a high-quality end product.
PC Board Assembly
Assembly has also improved and helps you to have more production than the previous years. Similarly, you can develop complete equipment by assembling different components.
PCB Maintenance
PCB maintenance is also essential, especially, if the assembly gets issues. You can easily replace the damaged parts, restoring the system. Making lightweight, and mini or smart PCB is also easier than before. You can have a device with high-speed signals by maintaining your circuit board.

Features of Integrated Circuit

The integrated circuits were developed by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. The integrated circuit is very common in certain industries, such as military, civil electronics, television, communication, radio recorder, computer, etc. It provides the following benefits.

  • Lightweight structure
  • Less lead
  • Small volume
  • Solder joint
  • More reliability
  • Longer lifespan
  • High performance
  • Mass production
  • Low cost

IC is a microelectronic component or device in a PCB. IC technology involves the manufacturing of chips, design technology, processing technology, testing, packaging, design innovation, and mass production.
The integrated circuit is a key part of advanced electronic sand it is the heart of many circuits. You will see at least one chip or IC in every electronic device. IC is a combination of various electronic components, including capacitors, resistors, transistors, etc. These components together make a small chip and are linked to having a common goal. There are different types of ICs, such as

  • Single-circuit logic gates
  • Voltage regulators
  • Open amps
  • Motor controllers
  • 555 timers
  • Microprocessors
  • Microcontrollers
  • FPGAs
  • Many others

There is a complex process of making layers of copper, semiconductor wafers, and several other materials. These materials interconnect to make resistors, transistors, and other parts of a circuit.
Not only IC is too small, but it has very thin copper layers and semiconductor wafers. The layers have very delicate connections. Similarly, The IC die is a very small circuit that is too tiny to connect or solder, so you have to package the die that converts the delicate die into a black chip that you often see.
You can enhance the working life of equipment by using the IC to assemble different electronic tools. It helps you to increase the assembly density many times compared to transistors.
These days, you would see silicon ICs involving semiconductors. So, IC is a device that integrates capacitors, resistors, semiconductors, and other elements that make a circuit perform certain tasks. The device connects wires between these components on the silicon wafer through oxidation, diffusion, aluminum evaporation, epitaxy, and photolithography, and then it is welded in a casing or shell.

Differences Between IC and a PCBoard
Differences Between IC and a PCBoard

What Is IC Package?

IC package helps convert a die into a device to have a connection. Die’s outer connection has a small gold wire to a pad on the package that helps to connect it. The pad or pin is silver and it is an extruded terminal on the IC that continues to connect to a circuit’s outer parts. There are different types of IC packages having different dimensions, installation methods, and a number of pins.
Understanding Pin Numbering and Polarity Marking
You should know that every IC is polarized and each pin is different in its function and location. So, the package must show each pin’s nature and function. Mostly the ICs have DOT or Notch to differentiate the first pin. Like, sometimes only one pin is the first or sometimes both are.
Package Mounting
The mounting of a package on a PCB also varies, it can be SMT or surface mount, SMD, or a through-hole mounting. The through-hole package is often large and easy to manage, and it is created to get stuck through a board’s one side and soldering the other side.
The surface mount package has different sizes, small or minuscule. These packages are created to be soldered to the PCB surface and sit on one side. The SMD package has pins either perpendicular to the chip or extruded out the side, or set in a matrix on a chip’s lower part. Such ICs are hard to assemble with hands and need special tools for this purpose.
Dual In-Line Package or DIP
DIP is an ordinary through-hole IC package having two parallel lines of pins that extend perpendicularly from a black, and rectangular plastic casing.
SMT, SMD, or Surface Mount Package
There are many types of SMT packages and in the case of ICs, you must have a custom PCB having compatible copper patterns to be soldered. You need special automated tools to solder the SMD package.
SOP or Small Outline Package
The SOIC package is the SMT cousin of the DIP as this is what you see when you bend all the pins outward on a DIP, reducing the size. The SOP package is very easy to solder with hands. The spacing between the pins should be 1.27mm or 0.05”.
The shrink small-outline package or SSOP is a small type of SOIC package. Likewise, there are TSOP or thin-small outline packages and TSSOP or thin-shrink small-outline packages.
It is easy to understand the difference between IC and PCB if you know all their features as described above.

Final Thoughts

The integrated circuit is a key part of advanced electronics and it is the heart of many circuits. You will see at least one chip or IC in every electronic device. IC is a combination of various electronic components, including capacitors, resistors, transistors, etc.
The purpose of the integrated circuit or IC is to integrate an ordinary circuit into a chip. So, if the IC gets damaged, the chip won’t work. But, if the PCB gets damaged, you can replace the components. However, PCB and IC work together to help an electronic device function.
Would like to know more about the ICs, PCBs or pcb assembly? Email us at sales@pnconline.com

PC Board Debugging & Troubleshoot Guidelines

PC Board Debugging & Troubleshoot Guidelines

Engineers have to test the PCB thoroughly to see if it’s functional and fulfills its purpose of design. But, some manufacturers don’t do it which leads to intermittent issues or PCB failure, and such issues are hard to deal with while debugging. Whereas it becomes a disaster if a PCB fails in the field. You can avoid PCB issues by testing it thoroughly, besides it should be built by a good manufacturer. First, you should know the basic troubleshooting methods, so let’s begin.

Basic PCB Troubleshooting and Debugging

PCB of a printed circuit board has copper traces and insulators to connect heavy components to develop an advanced circuit. It is a great challenge to troubleshoot a circuit board in terms of thickness, size, signals, layers, and the types of different components as they are all very important.
Some circuit boards are simple and don’t need a deep inspection, but there are also complex PCB designs that need special tools for troubleshooting. Generally, the basic test is easy to do through ordinary equipment to assess the currents, traces, and signals on the PC Board.

Choosing the Right Tools

Simple troubleshooting of a Printed Circuit Board involves a few tools, such as a multimeter which is quite common. But, deep troubleshooting of complex boards depends on high-end tools, especially if the problem is big. Like, you will have to use the oscilloscope, an LCR meter, a logic analyzer, and the power supply to assess a circuit board’s response in terms of function.

A Visual Inspection

Initially, you have to test your circuit board visually to see some obvious issues, such as overheating, overlapping of traces, burnt or damaged components, as well as the missing parts of a PCB. You can detect the burnt components through smell as they are not easy to detect otherwise. PCB components often get burnt due to overheating or excessive current. Sometimes the components bulge due to high temperature or heat which helps you identify the damage, like in the case of electrolytic capacitors.

PC Board Debugging & Troubleshoot Guidelines
PC Board Debugging & Troubleshoot Guidelines

Physical Testing

After visual inspection of your PCB comes the physical testing by applying the power to the board. You can easily find hot spots on the circuit board by touching its surface. So, you don’t need a costly thermographic camera to find heated areas. After finding the hot parts, you should cool them with compressed air to see how PCB components function at low temperatures.

How To Troubleshoot Or Debug A PCB Deeply

Experts use four techniques for PCB tests which come up with both pros and cons. Some common methods are ICT, cable scan, flying probe, and a functional test, so let’s study them one by one.

1: The Flying Probe Technique

This method of PCB troubleshooting involves multiple probes that check the PCB by flying around. Like, there are two to six probes in this case. This technique is ideal for large circuit boards, like backplanes. It is also cheaper than the ICT, and it debugs the pcb assembly issues that occur due to poor solder connections. The flying probe also checks components’ presence and their polarities and different values. It is a simple test and can handle the revisions of a PCB.

Cons of The Flying Probe

The flying probe techniques have some flaws in terms of PCB functionality testing, unlike ICT. The flying probe also works slowly compared to ICT because several probes contact the entire PCB testing points. However, it is ideal for low volume PCBs and its total cost is also lower than other techniques.

2: ICT Or In-Circuit For PCB Troubleshoot

The ICT is a PCB testing technique that involves multiple probes which are also called the bed of nails. In this process, the ICT probes connect with the testing points of the entire PCB to check its circuits to see if the assembly is correct or wrong. Like, it tests the bad solder joints or short circuits.

This method can perform even a deeper test by adding other modules or adapters to it. ICT also tests the overall function of PCB and values of the critical components.

Cons Of ICT

Though ICT is a great tool for PCB testing, it has some disadvantages too. Like, it has costly fixtures ranging from $8000, and they go up to $ 15000. Besides, the cost increases with any changes in the technique.

You can have maximum benefits from ICT if the technician knows the testing software and other tools. ICT is the best method for large volume testing.

3: The CableScan

Another troubleshooting technique is the cablescan, which is ideal for PCBs with several connectors having a complicated interface, like the backplanes. The tester attaches the cablescan with the circuit board and it tests all the pins against each other to evaluate the assembly issues, like a solder opening or shorts.

Cablescan also helps check jumpers’ configuration and quality of the diode, besides, it also accesses the capacitance and resistance.

Cons Of Cablescan

There are some flaws with cablescan due to its limits. Like, you have to see the size of the connectors it can test in one go. Moreover, it involves an additional cost to create the hardware interface.

You have to get wetting connectors, but their wiring with the system gets delayed due to the cost or other issues. The cablescan technique and its setup take lots of time, depending on the number of connectors and their complexity.

4: Functional Testing Technique

Another essential thing is to see if a PCB is ready to function or not. The functional test consists of test probes, software, and connected cables, and it determines PCB behavior according to design specifications.

The CM can also create the hardware and software or test fixtures to test the PCB function. This process is ideal for simple and small PCB layout designs. The engineers also develop fixtures for a bench test and make a plan to target the assembly issues involving less time and cost to assess the components. The functional test also helps see if the entire circuitry is working as you want. However, you need detailed debugging to find different faults and remove them.

Role of Engineers and Technicians In PCB Troubleshooting

You need experienced people to troubleshoot a PCB, such as engineers and technicians. Besides, these experts should know how to use the testing tools. Like, in the case of ICT, the engineer should know how to test the semiconductor. He should also know the DFT, end-user applications, as well as ICT optimization. The knowledge of hardware and software development is equally important.

When it comes to the cablescan, the troubleshoot company should have a huge inventory of already built connector interfaces. You can reduce the development cost and time by having all resources in hand.

Likewise, the technicians should debug with a flying probe according to the circuit board. In other words, the testing method should be compatible with the PCB design.

Most engineers use the LabView for a functional test, as it works according to the frequencies, variable supply levels, and several other PCB requirements. Such a deep examination of the PCB involves less amount of hardware, unlike surface-level testing.
Both basic and deep troubleshooting methods help you to find the right PCB issues, leading to an effective product by removing those issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is ICT In PCB Troubleshooting?
ICT is a PCB testing technique that involves multiple probes which are also called the bed of nails. The ICT probes connect with the testing points of the entire PCB to check its circuits to see if the assembly is correct or wrong.
What Is The Flying Probe In PCB Debugging?
This method of PCB troubleshooting involves multiple probes that check the PCB by flying around. There are two to six probes in this case. This technique is ideal for large circuit boards, like backplanes. It debugs the assembly issues that occur due to poor solder connections.

What Is The Role Of A Functional Test In PCB?
The functional test consists of test probes, software, and connected cables, and it determines PCB behavior according to design specifications. The functional test also helps see if the entire circuitry is working as you want.
Is Basic Troubleshooting Enough For Circuit Boards?
No, the basic testing involves only visual and physical tests at basic levels. You need deep testing with specific tools, especially for complicated circuits.

Final Thoughts

PCB of a printed circuit board has copper traces and insulators to connect heavy components to develop an advanced circuit. It is a great challenge to troubleshoot a circuit board in terms of thickness, size, signals, layers, and the types of different components as they are all very important.
Some circuit boards are simple and don’t need a deep inspection, but there are also complex PCB designs that need special tools for troubleshooting. Generally, the basic test is easy to do through ordinary equipment to assess the currents, traces, and signals on the PCB. Whereas deep troubleshooting involves different techniques.
Would like to know more about PCB debugging, troubleshooting printed circuit board assembly? Email us at sales@pnconline.com

PC Board Fabrication, V-Scoring-Purpose and Benefits

PC Board Fabrication, V-Scoring-Purpose and Benefits

PCB or a printed circuit board has different holes, cuts, and elements, and V-scoring is one of them. V-scoring pre separates the PCB and designers also call it V-groove because a groove resembling V is cut on the circuit board’s top and bottom. Generally, the depth of the groove is 1/3 of the board depth and there is a thin layer between two Vs for the board processing.

The boards with V-grooves are either end to end or side by side with adjacent edges. The groove helps break boards with a little force, and you can divide a single panel into several parts with the help of V cuts.

Purpose of V-Scoring

Manufacturers use V-scoring while combining an array’s circuit boards for an effective assembly. It makes the assembly process less hectic, and you can easily set apart the assembled PCBs.

V-scoring helps to reduce pressure during the placement of SMD components on the circuit board by an SMT machine, and while separating the assembled PCBs.

The PCB panel helps manufacturers to insert the components at a high speed, using one panel at a time, rather than one circuit board.

The panel boards are loaded with their parts through an automated machine that performs the pick-and-place function.

These uses motivate PCB engineers, manufacturers, and buyers to use the V-grooves.

Specifying V-Scoring

Engineers specify V-scoring according to the groove depth, or a distance between the two grooves or Vees through a cross-section. The residual material in this case is known as Web. Each measurement has to be equal, including 1/3rd on the top, bottom, as well as a 1/3 web in the center.

The practice of the 90 degrees or the 30 degrees scoring is also there in some cases. However, the 90 degrees scoring is easy to break compared to the 30 degrees scoring.
You can alter these measurements according to your needs, depending on the array size and the ease of separating the boards later on.

You have to use a 30-degree cutter for a score-line cutting with a certain depth. You can calculate the rest of the web based on the material thickness. However, the tolerance of +/- .002″ is essential in this case.

When to Use a Jump Score

Jump score is used in some conditions though it is not that common. In jump score, the score does not go from one end to another, instead, it ends before the circuit boards end. Like, the cutting blade stops before another end comes. The jump scoring provides a firm array while assembly.

Some V-Scoring Terms

There are certain terms to consider while making PCBs with V grooves, and we will discuss them one by one.
• PCB board has some borders or extra material that helps in making a panel, and they are called Rails or Waste Tabs. They enhance a panel’s mechanical strength, allowing an extra material or borders that help to clamp a panel while assembling.
• Another term used in V-scoring is Fiducials which are marks being etched on the borders or a PCB’s inner surface, like on upper and lower layers of copper. Fiducials help the SMT assembly to identify the position of the PCB and SMD components.
• The other important elements are tooling holes located on a PCB’s four corners. The manufacturers use these holes to align a PCB during drilling and routing. Like, the alignment that involves the SMT carriers, solder plate printing, and PCBs’ final assembly.

Process of V-Scoring

It involves two blades being beveled at 30o, or 45o, or 60o, and the blade resembles a wheel with several gears or knives that make V-grooves. Both top and bottom blades rotate while cutting. When the PCB assembly is over, an individual assembly of the board occurs by dividing the sub panels.

Rules To Follow In V-Scoring

Some fabricators think that the perfect size of the board is compatible with an 18”×24” sheet of CCL, but this is not so. Because the fabricator has to use some part of the sheet while processing. Both customer and manufacturer should discuss the kind of a PCB they require, besides, it should be the best.

Some Rules for Exceptional Circumstances

1. There should be zero space between two circuit boards
2. If you opt for V-scoring, your PCB’s size should be at least 75×75 mm, and it can go up to 450 x1250 mm. So, the scoring won’t be successful if the board size is not as per the rule.
3. Make sure the V-scoring path or line is straight, whether it’s continuous like end to end, or discontinuous like jump scoring.
4. For a perfect V-groove, the minimum thickness of the board should be 0.6mm.
5. You can choose the groove angles from 30o, 45o, or 60o.
6. The space between the PCB edges and parts should be a minimum of 6.35 mm
7. The minimum distance between the PC Board Fabrication outline and V-grooves’ line has to be 0.35mm.

Benefits of V-Scoring

• V-scoring helps to use a PCB surface effectively
• It helps reduce the manufacturing cost by fabricating many boards on one PCB.
• It helps to place more than one circuit through one assembly, helping in precise sub-assembly.
• V-scoring tools are cost-effective, portable, and require minimum maintenance.
• It helps save time as it allows you to separate different parts from a final assembly.

Drawbacks of V-Scoring

There are some restrictions of V-scoring like it is not suitable for PCBs with components placed near edges.
V-scoring can affect the PCB structure, reducing its strength due to the mishandling of a solder machine. However, fabricators apply jump scoring to maintain a PCB’s strength. You can read the above section to understand the jump scoring.
In the case of V grooves, you have to allow a 0.05 inches clearance between the grooves and components. The blade should not come between the components, especially for taller parts. Likewise, you should keep enough clearance for components located on the wide connection surface.

Difference Between PCB Scoring and PCB Panels With Tab-Routing

The PCB design determines if you should choose V-scoring or tab-routing. However we have a guideline for better selection, but you have to follow it.
1. The circuit board shape helps to select the right scoring. Like, V-scoring is suitable for rectangular or square PCBs, whereas the tab-routing goes well with an irregular shape.
2. You should choose a tab-routing if the components are hanging on the PCB edges. Besides, the tab-routing does not affect the edge quality. Whereas V-scoring makes edges rough.
3. V-scoring works faster than tab routing, besides, it is cost-effective than tab-routing in terms of labor.
4. At the same time, there is less wastage of material in V-Scoring compared to the tab-routing, which also reduces the total cost.
5. It also depends on the number of boards in an array and the number of PCBs in both directions, including the X and Y planes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between The PCB And PCBA?

The process is the same, but it involves two stages. Like, PCB is just a circuit board with components, whereas PCBA is an assembled board with necessary components, and it is ready for application.

What is Jump-Scoring and Its Use?

Jump scoring involves a cut that starts from one end of PCB but it stops before the other end, unlike V-scoring. Jump scoring strengthens a board for multiple processes.

What Is Tab-Routing In PCBs?

Tab routing helps you to process different circuit boards on one panel. It also helps you to isolate boards by breaking the tabs that exist between various boards.

What Is The PCB Penalization?

A process of connected small boards in a single array is called the PCB penalization. It helps fabricators to move the circuit boards while assembly.

What SMT Stands For In PCB?

SMT stands for Surface Mount Technology, and it’s a process of installing the electrical components on the PCB directly. Whereas the component installed through SMT is known as SMD or Surface Mount Device.

Final Thoughts on V-Scoring

PCB fabrication becomes economical by adopting cost-effective processes, including V-scoring. The boards with V-grooves are either end to end or side by side with adjacent edges. The groove helps break boards with a little force, and you can divide a single panel into several parts with the help of V cuts.

It involves less routing space, so you can add several rows in the PCB panel to be fabricated. It eliminates the wastage of the laminate, besides, V-grooves also save money and time by streamlining the PCB processing and manufacturing.

V-scoring helps to reduce pressure during the placement of SMD components on the circuit board by an SMT machine, and while separating the assembled PCBs.

V-scoring tools are cost-effective, portable, and require minimum maintenance. Moreover, it helps save time as it allows you to separate different parts from a final assembly.
But, V-scoring can affect the PCB structure, reducing its strength due to the mishandling of a solder machine.

Interested to know more about V-scoring or PCB assembly services, email us at sales@pnconline.com